In the late 1930s, Tenggren worked for the Disney Studio, providing concept artwork (created to inspire and guide animators) for various characters and scenes in Bambi, The Old Mill, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, and Fantasia. Other iconic Little Golden Books illustrated by Tenggren include The Saggy Baggy Elephant and Tawny Scrawny Lion. One of the original twelve Little Golden Bookspublished in 1942, The Poky Little Puppy went on to become the bestselling picture book of all time. He illustrated many Golden Books, beginning with The Poky Little Puppy. 1 Many other Little Golden Books have become bestsellers, 1 including Tootle, Scuffy the Tugboat, The Little Red Hen, and Doctor. The Poky Little Puppy, the eighth release in the series, is the top-selling childrens book of all time in the United States. GUSTAF TENGGREN (1896-1970) was a well-known illustrator in his native Sweden before immigrating to the United States in 1920. Little Golden Books is an American series of childrens books, published since 1942. It went on to become an icon, and the bestselling picture book of all time.
But Lowrey is best known as the author of The Poky Little Puppy, which was one of the original twelve Little Golden Books that launched in 1942. Her young adult novel Margaret was adapted into a TV serial, Walt Disney Presents: Annette, which aired on The Mickey Mouse Club in 1958, starring Annette Funicello. JANETTE SEBRING LOWREY (1892-1986), a Texan, wrote mostly teen fiction during the 1940s and 1950s.